Two spaces were intervened in this apartment: the social area and the main bedroom. The main guideline in the project was to separate the social areas without completely closing them. To achieve this goal, ebony wood lattices were designed that also function as furniture that generates storage spaces. Replicating the same language sliding doors were designed, which allow the areas to open and close according to the different activities, ensuring flexible and functional spaces.

The materiality approach complements the existing marble floor with warmer finishes such as the wood that was used for covering some walls and part of the furniture. This contrast was harmonized with a color palette based on neutral tones that highlight the selected dark woods to give a greater contrast.

The master bedroom is presented as a suite with a living area that defines a timeless, warm and classic environment where the bed is the centerpiece. It is accompanied by a design piece made of walnut wood with indirect lighting to match the sand-toned leather of the bed.

El dormitorio principal se presenta como una suite con una zona de estar que define un ambiente atemporal, cálido y clásico donde la cama es la pieza central. Lo acompaña una pieza de diseño realizada en madera de nogal con iluminación indirecta a juego con el cuero en tono arena de la cama.

Category: House
Location: CDMX
Year: 2019
Status: Construido
Project: ARCO Arquitectura Contemporánea
Construction: ARCO Arquitectura Contemporánea
Team: Óscar Sarabia, Federico Teista, Beatriz Canuto, Nahela Hinojosa, Estefania Zamudio, Miguel Ocampo, Carlos Jiménez
Photographs: Claudia Hans
Area: 400 sq m

  • Architect: ARCO Arquitectura Contemporánea

Posted by José Lew

ARCO Arquitectura Contemporánea is an innovative company specialized in property development and interior architecture. The company’s experience, both in México and abroad, is reflected in the superior quality, transparency, personalized treatment and continuous service that they offer. The company considers that true architecture is developed based in the customer satisfaction, through the use of a language that shapes and expresses the intention in an aesthetic and functional result. ARCO Arquitectura Contemporánea was founded by architects Bernardo Lew and José Lew who lead the company. The main activities of the firm are: planning, architectonic project execution, interior design, consulting and structural projects coordination, MEP systems, site management, technical and financial costs management, construction site coordination and supervision. Recently they have added a new division to their operation integrating architect José Memun as development director.

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